Monday, November 29, 2010

Round 1....

They tried to extubate Noah today. He had the breathing tube out for an hour and a half before they re-intubated him. I knew he wasn't ready after 5 minutes but we all wanted to give him a chance. He has a lot of thick secretions and aspirated some causing him to struggle for each breath. Thanking God that they were able to re-intubate without any difficulty and he is now resting and breathing comfortably.
Just before they extubated him, they turned off his Ketamine drip (a sedation drug) so he would be a little more awake. Even though they had to put the breathing tube back in, they left the Ketamine off. I am happy about this! Ketamine can cause hallucinations and cause secretions.
They took another BNP (the blood test that measures heart failure... how sick his heart is) and it is extremely high... 2200! They will be doing an ECHO sometime in the next couple of days. They will also try waking him up more to see if he will interact with us... the status of his brain is still unknown and a little concerning... and will be going down for a CT scan in a few days. He has been opening his eyes wide today but doesn't really look AT us or move his eyes to follow movement. He is also still on a fair amount of sedation so this could also be the reason. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray that Noah is still there!! It is going to take some time but I have faith that God will restore him 100%!
His liver is still large... most likely because of his BNP being so high.

Lord, please watch over the care of Noah. Guide the nurses and doctors working with him. PLEASE deliver the SAME Noah I had the day before his surgery... the only change I want is his heart to be healthy! Please continue to heal Noah. I pray that the next time they try extubating him, it will be YOUR timing! And that he will not require any more airway intervention. Please comfort Aaron and I and let us feel Your presence and Your hand working in our lives. Give us peace and patience with eachother. In Your loving and gracious Name. Amen.


Duda family said...

Can't beat that prayer, will continue to lift him up every day.

Anonymous said...

Was a very beautiful prayer. More coming from the Sheahan family. (HUGS)

Martha Sheahan

Anonymous said...

As you know its all in Gods hand, and he has pretty BIG hands. We will, you keep praying for Noah and his parents . The Harris family, Lake Worth Fla.

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Welcome to Noah's blog! We thank you for following us on our God-led journey and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! Noah was born June 22, 2009 with many anatomical birth defects and underwent his first major surgery when he was just 4 days old. He has been in and out of the hospital since day one and has had a total of 4 major surgeries to date, with his latest one being the most extreme and difficult - his first open heart surgery on November 4 and December 17th, 2010. He is a warrior and this is his journey...

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He is getting so BIG!!!!
Getting a short break from his O2 :)

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Me and my boy :)

Dec. 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010
I got to hold Noah!!


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