Monday, November 8, 2010
Today, they did a short trial run of turning down the ECMO. Noah did kind of 'okay'. His renal saturation's dropped to the high 40s but slowly started to go into the 50's. And this was done with him NOT on milrinon (the medicine that helps his heart function). So that is a good sign. The paralytic was turned off earlier this morning. He has not started moving yet, but he is still under a lot of sedation. About an hour or 2 ago, the machine was showing signs that there was a lot less volume in it so they gave him more blood. They also tried turning down the flow on ECMO to see if that would help, and it has. And this is actually a GREAT sign because that means we are closer to having him come off the ECMO tomorrow! Keep praying!!

Thank you to all who have visited today and for the gifts and meals! Can't wait to dig into them! :)


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Welcome to Noah's blog! We thank you for following us on our God-led journey and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! Noah was born June 22, 2009 with many anatomical birth defects and underwent his first major surgery when he was just 4 days old. He has been in and out of the hospital since day one and has had a total of 4 major surgeries to date, with his latest one being the most extreme and difficult - his first open heart surgery on November 4 and December 17th, 2010. He is a warrior and this is his journey...

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He is getting so BIG!!!!

He is getting so BIG!!!!
Getting a short break from his O2 :)

Grab Our Button!


My handsome men!

My handsome men!
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Me and my boy :)

Me and my boy :)

Dec. 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010
I got to hold Noah!!


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