Friday, July 22, 2011

Another short hospital stay...

This past weekend, we went down to my parent's house in Illinois. It's about a 45 minute drive. And wouldn't you know, Noah started one of his vomiting episodes. We thought we could help him control it a bit but then he wouldn't keep ANYTHING down and started vomiting every 2 to 5 minutes. So we decided that it was time to leave and take him to Childrens. We were already out to lunch with my family so instead of going back to their house to pack our stuff, we knew it was more important to take him straight to Childrens. We are bout half way there (we had just got in to Racine County) when we checked his O2 tank level. Of course it was on the last bit of oxygen, so we called his home care nurse and she told us to pull over and call for an ambulance. They were there in less than 5 minutes and took us straight to the Childrens ER. When we get there, they did their assessment and had some nurses try for an IV. My.least.favorite.part. NO success... even after 10? tries! THEN they wanted to draw blood for blood work... HELLO!!!! He is dehydrated!!! If you can't get an IV, what makes you think you are going to get blood?!?! Meanwhile, a doctor from the ICU came down and said that they already have a room for him but that they are just waiting for the ER people to finish their routine. FIVE HOURS LATER... they FINALLY decide to take us up to his room. **sigh** My poor sweet boy had absolutely NO reserve left but they still kept trying to get blood. I was getting so frustrated. By this time he was ready to take his sippy cup again and because they were not able to get an IV, they gave us the okay to let him drink. He kept it down with a little help from Zophran... I had NEVER seen him drink so fast! They let him have an adult sized hospital bed so that Aaron or I could snuggle with him. I think that having one of use with him in bed actually helped him get better faster. So we went through the whole routine of getting him back on his regular pediasure feedings.. it only took a day and a half to get him on full strength feeds. The day before we were discharged, one of the GI doctors came up to talk to us about these spells that he keeps having. They suspect that he not only has dysodonomia (sp?) where his nervous system is out of whack, but also has a condition called sicklet (sp?) vomiting where he has stress induced migraines that cause him to vomit uncontrollably. There are meds that they can give him to help control it but these meds can effect his heart so they would need his cardiologist's approval. They told us that the next time he has one of these spells again, to bring him in for blood work.

So, over all, he was only inpatient from Saturday to Tuesday. He has since then been his normal happy stinker self. I just wish these spells would stay away but I am pretty sure this is something we will have to deal with for a while.


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Welcome to Noah's blog! We thank you for following us on our God-led journey and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! Noah was born June 22, 2009 with many anatomical birth defects and underwent his first major surgery when he was just 4 days old. He has been in and out of the hospital since day one and has had a total of 4 major surgeries to date, with his latest one being the most extreme and difficult - his first open heart surgery on November 4 and December 17th, 2010. He is a warrior and this is his journey...

He is getting so BIG!!!!

He is getting so BIG!!!!
Getting a short break from his O2 :)

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My handsome men!
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Me and my boy :)

Me and my boy :)

Dec. 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010
I got to hold Noah!!


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