Sunday, May 16, 2010

Todays update

These past couple of days have been really rough and scary. Noah was on the verge of needing to be intubated. They believe he is having so much trouble breathing because of the inflammation due to the para fluenza. He has been on a steroid for a couple days now and it is helping the inflammation and he is also on highflow. Two days ago, I was holding Noah and he was sleeping in my arms. Then he started to fuss a little so I was changing positions to see if he would be more comfortable. He started getting even more mad and started to retract so I set him in his crib to try to soothe him. He started thrashing around and screaming so I went out in the hall to get his nurse to see if she could help me calm him down and I turned back around and he had already started turning blue. Then a bunch of doctors come rushing in and started bagging him. His heart rate was elevated and his O2 saturation level was below 40%. VERY VERY scary! And because his IV had come out the previous day, they started trying for an IV... I think I counted 8 or 9 times and no success! So they decided to let him calm down and later send him to get a PICC line. After his PICC placement, they made him NPO (meaning he could not eat) for the rest of the night for if he needed intubation, his stomach would already be empty and would not risk aspiration. By morning, he was very hungry and fussy so the restarted his feeds. We gave him his first bottle and he chugged it! First time in a very LONG time that he has taken his whole bottle by mouth! Ever since then he has been asking for a bottle every 2 1/2 hours and has been drinking the WHOLE thing! This is amazing and I hope he keeps the momentum going! Sometimes he will still ask for more so we have started offering him an extra ounce and he finishes that too!

So... after rounds this morning, they are starting to ween him off the highflow and steroid. And as long as his breathing becomes more stable, they will not do a broncoscopy and just let this virus finish its course. Please keep praying for continued healing and that our little Noah returns to his happy spirits and health. Thank you!


About Me

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Welcome to Noah's blog! We thank you for following us on our God-led journey and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! Noah was born June 22, 2009 with many anatomical birth defects and underwent his first major surgery when he was just 4 days old. He has been in and out of the hospital since day one and has had a total of 4 major surgeries to date, with his latest one being the most extreme and difficult - his first open heart surgery on November 4 and December 17th, 2010. He is a warrior and this is his journey...

He is getting so BIG!!!!

He is getting so BIG!!!!
Getting a short break from his O2 :)

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My handsome men!

My handsome men!
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Me and my boy :)

Me and my boy :)

Dec. 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010
I got to hold Noah!!


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